This guide shares featured books, e-resources and online information related to Physiotherapy for your learning and research. It also provides search tips to help you identify and locate library resources. Please feel free to explore the guide by clicking on the tabs above.
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Call no.: QM25 .A38 2021
ISBN: 9781975138707
Publication Year: 2021

This atlas provides coloured illustrations which show the dissection of human body parts, including head, neck, limbs and abdomen. It also offers updated medical imaging such as MRIs and CT scans on bones, vessels and tissues to give readers anatomic information essential for clinical practice in healthcare settings.

Agur, A. M. R, & Dalley, A. F., II (2021). Grant's atlas of anatomy (15th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Call no.: QM23.2 .B53 2019
ISBN: 9780998785066
Publication Year: 2019

Supplemented with anatomical illustrations, this guide offers detailed descriptions of musculoskeletal structures such as muscles, bones, ligaments and bony landmarks. It also introduces manual therapy, occupational therapy, and various types of bodywork and movement for treating patients’ musculoskeletal pain and disability.

Biel, A. (2019). Trail guide to the body: A hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones, and more (6th ed.). Books of Discovery.

ISBN: 9783642349881
Publication Year: 2014

This guide introduces the principles of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), a concept of treatment in physical therapy. With over 600 illustrations, it shows readers the procedures and techniques for performing the PNF patterns and activities, with special focuses on mat exercises and gait training.

Adler, S., Beckers, D., & Buck, M. (2014). PNF in practice: An illustrated guide (4th ed.). Springer.

Call no.: RJ53.P5 L66 2019
ISBN: 9781496395030
Publication Year: 2019

This handbook provides essential information on pediatric physical therapy for treating children with pediatric disorders and developmental disabilities. It presents assessment considerations and intervention strategies in an outline format for quick reference.

Long, T., Battaile, B., & Toscano, K. (2019). Handbook of pediatric physical therapy (3rd ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Call no.: RC684.E9 A37 2022
ISBN: 9781975150181
Publication Year: 2022

Written by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), this book introduces the principles and practice of exercise testing and prescription to physical and occupational therapists. Topics include pre-exercise evaluation, clinical exercise testing, and exercise prescription for healthy population and patients with musculoskeletal injuries.

American College of Sports Medicine. (2022). ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (11th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Call no.: R726.7 .H366 2019
ISBN: 9781433829857
Publication Year: 2019

This handbook covers a host of topics on rehabilitation psychology, such as competency-based training and practice, assessment and intervention strategies for specific health conditions, and applied ethics. It also examines social and technological issues related to rehabilitation psychology.

Brenner, L. A., Reid-Arndt, S. A., Elliott, T. R., Frank, R. G., & Caplan, B. (Eds.).  (2019). Handbook of rehabilitation psychology (3rd ed.). American Psychological Association.
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Books and eBooks

ISBN: 9781498751704
Publication Year: 2018

This book explains the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of disorders in orthopaedics, such as rheumatic disorders, osteoarthritis, and crystal deposition disorders. It also provides an extensive coverage of the principles of fractures and the management of major trauma in different parts of human body.


Blom, A., Warwick, D., & Whitehouse, M. R. (Eds.). (2018). Apley & Solomon's system of orthopaedics and trauma (10th ed.). CRC Press.

Call no.: RM724 .M63 2015
ISBN: 9780702051524
Publication Year: 2015

This book offers a comprehensive account on musculoskeletal physiotherapy, covering advances in theory and practice, measurement methods, research approaches, clinical management and patient education. It also examines contemporary issues in assessing and treating musculoskeletal injuries and disorders of specific body parts.


Jull, G., Moore, A., Falla, D., Lewis, J., McCarthy, C., & Sterling, M. (Eds.). (2015). Grieve’s modern musculoskeletal physiotherapy (4th ed.). Elsevier.

Call no.: QP303 .N59 2019
ISBN: 9780803658783
Publication Year: 2019

Supplemented with radiographs and scans, this book introduces the concepts and elements of joint and muscle structures, their functions, as well as common impairments resulted from ageing and injuries. There are also patient case studies explaining the assessment and treatment of various human movement disorders.


Levangie, P. K., Norkin, C. C., & Lewek, M. D. (Eds.). (2019). Joint structure and function: A comprehensive analysis (6th ed.). F. A. Davis Company.

Call no.: RM701 .F75 2018
ISBN: 9781284099621
Publication Year: 2018

This book discusses the techniques with which physical therapists should equip in order to acquire health information from patients for formulating effective care plans. It also addresses that an appropriate environmental setting is essential in establishing good rapport between physical therapists and patients.


Fruth, S. J. (2018). Fundamentals of the physical therapy examination: Patient interview and tests & measures (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Call no.: RM725 .K53 2023
ISBN: 9781719640473
Publication Year: 2023

This book provides a detailed account on the principles of therapeutic exercise and clinical techniques, such as the management of bone disorders, soft tissue injuries and nerve disorders. It also introduces various types of exercises to treat specific groups and improve different body parts including the spine, shoulder, hip and knee.


Kisner, C., Borstad, J., & Colby, L. A. (2023). Therapeutic exercise: Foundations and techniques (8th ed.). F. A. Davis Company.

Call no.: RD97 .S658 2016
ISBN: 9780415815062
Publication Year: 2016

This book mainly covers the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of muscle, bone and tendon injuries incurred in sports. It discusses in depth the performance frameworks for medical and injury screening, the psychology of injured athletes, and the training for returning to full fitness and high performance.


Joyce, D., & Lewindon, D. (Eds.). (2016). Sports injury prevention and rehabilitation: Integrating medicine and science for performance solutions. Routledge.

Call no.: RM930.5.C5 Z45 2013
ISBN: 9787508077536
Publication Year: 2013



陳之罡、李惠蘭(主編)(2013中國傳統康復治療學第二版。 華夏出版社。

Call no.: R726.8 .P68 2013
ISBN: 9780702050275
Publication Year: 2013

This book introduces the knowledge and skills necessary for providing special care for patients suffering from terminal illnesses. These include treatment and interventions to alleviate pain, manage breathlessness, anxiety and fatigue.


Taylor, J., Simader, R., & Nieland, P. (Eds.). (2013). Potential and possibility: Rehabilitation at end of life: Physiotherapy in palliative care. Urban & Fischer.
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Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal

ISSN: 1013-7025 (Print); 1876-441X (Electronic)

Published on behalf of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, this peer-reviewed journal contains research articles written by both local and international health professionals on treatment plans and rehabilitation programmes for patients with different illnesses, such as knee osteoarthritis and spinal cord injury.

Musculoskeletal Science and Practice

ISSN: 2468-8630 (Print); 2468-7812 (Electronic)

This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on topics related to assessment, diagnosis and therapeutics of musculoskeletal disorders, such as anterior cruciate ligament ruptures and hand osteoarthritis. It also contains research studies on musculoskeletal models and practices that can provide the best health outcomes for patients.


ISSN: 1053-8135 (Print); 1878-6448 (Electronic)

This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on thematic issues of neurological rehabilitation, ranging from specific therapies and rehabilitation training for patients in different age groups to effective communication with patients suffering from neurological disorders and application of technology on rehabilitation programmes.

Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics

ISSN: 0270-3181 (Print); 1541-3152 (Electronic)

This journal publishes research articles on the illnesses and disorders commonly found among the elderly and the provision of appropriate intervention strategies, effective treatments and rehabilitation training to help patients overcome difficulties and achieve recovery.

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Online Resources
The website provides video tutorials about the anatomy of various body parts, including head, neck, thorax and limbs. Some videos are supplemented with transcriptions and additional information on muscles and nerves.
  The website provides a number of radiographs of different body parts taken at different angles under three major categories: upper extremity, lower extremity and spine. The anatomical terms are indicated on the radiographs for easy reference.
  Formed by local physiotherapists, the association publishes a vast amount of information about the profession on its website. This includes basic facts, health education and treatment, past events, newsletters as well as a directory of local practitioner delivering various services, such as acupuncture, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and palliative care.
  Created by a team of physiotherapists in the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, the webpage provides professional information on joint replacement before and after operations. There are also diagrams and educational videos instructing patients to carry out post-operative exercises after hip and knee replacement.
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The following table lists the call number ranges of the suggested areas related to Physiotherapy under the Library of Congress (LC) Classification Scheme. You can look for library resources of a particular subject area within these ranges.
Subject Area Subclass
Therapeutics. Pharmacology
RM1 - 950
Therapeutics. Pharmacology – Physical medicine. Physical therapy
RM695 - 893
Therapeutics. Pharmacology – Rehabilitation therapy
RM930 - 931
Human anatomy
QM1 - 695
Physiology – General
QP1 - 345
Physiology – Neurophysiology and neuropsychology
QP351 - 495
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