Academic OneFile (Gale)
Gale Academic OneFile connects learners to the information they’re looking for with tools that make discovery fast and easy. This premier periodical resource provides millions of articles from scholarly journals and other authoritative sources with extensive coverage in key subject areas, such as biology, chemistry, criminal justice, economics, environmental science, history, marketing, political science, and psychology. |
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCOhost)
Academic Search Ultimate is a multi-disciplinary research database that provides more than 12,000 full-text periodicals, among which 10,600 are peer-reviewed journals. In addition to academic journals and magazines, it also includes current videos from Associated Press, books, reports, conference papers and government documents that can meet the needs of scholars in nearly every academic discipline. |
Access Advanced Practice Nursing
AccessAPN provides a wide variety of nursing resources, including a plethora of authoritative titles, cases, Q & A and video content spanning from evidence-based practice and clinical information to personal development and leadership topics.
AccessMedicine provides over 300 authoritative texts in medicine. It also features videos and animations in internal medicine, cardiology, genetics, pharmacy, and patient care.
AccessPharmacy | |
AccessPhysiotherapy | |
ACM Digital Library
The ACM Digital Library is a comprehensive database focused on the field of computing and information science. It features over 11,000 full-text collections of journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines & newsletter articles, covering a wide spectrum of topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Information Systems, Applications, Mathematics & Theories of Computing, Security & Privacy, Education, etc. |
Active Reading (Clarity English)
Active Reading is an interactive learning tool for developing reading skills, including prediction, vocabulary strategies, inference, skimming, topic sentences and more. It comes in six levels from elementary to advanced, with 10 units in each level. Each unit consists of a video introduction, controlled practice, comprehension exercises and concludes with a freer activity which expands on the topic. |
Agriculture (Gale OneFile) | |
Anatomy TV. Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy TV. Anatomy & Physiology is an interactive educational resource on human anatomy. It provides 20 comprehensive modules with 3D models, images, dissection slides, clinical case studies, video clips, information on the impact of aging and quizzes, covering various clinical areas and body systems. |
APA PsycARTICLES (ProQuest) | |
APA PsycBooks (ProQuest) | |
APA PsycINFO (ProQuest)
PsycInfo is a citation database published by the American Psychological Associations. It provides comprehensive indexing and abstracts of the international psychological literature from the 1800s to the present. Coverage includes all areas of psychology: applied psychology, communication, developmental psychology, educational psychology, experimental psychology, personality, psychological and physical disorders. |
APA PsycTherapy (ProQuest) | |
Asia Art Archive |