Chinamaxx Digital Libraries 中文集献
It is a vast collection of about 705,000 Chinese e-book titles in a wide range of subjects, such as history, literature, social sciences, economy, art, religion, medicine and health.
CSMAR Solution 國泰安數據服務中心
CSMAR Solution國泰安數據服務中心 is a collection of 18 subscribed e-resources:
HyRead ebook 電子書 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
INFOBANK 環球商訊庫 (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sino United 中文電子圖書
Sino United is a multi-disciplinary ebook collection that covers over 500 Chinese ebooks across various sectors - finance, healthcare, philosophy, language etc. |
中國上市公司文獻庫 China Listed Company (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國中央及地方政府機構庫 China Government Agency (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國人物庫 China Who's Who (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國企業產品庫 China Company Directory (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國商業報告庫 China Business Report (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國擬建在建項目數據庫 (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國期刊全文數據庫 哲學與人文科學 (CNKI中國知網) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國法律法規庫 China Laws and Regulations (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國統計數據庫 China Statistics (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國經濟新聞庫 China Economic News (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國資訊行 China Infobank | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中國醫療健康庫 China Medical and Health (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
中港電視。電影刊物資料庫 Hong Kong TV and Film Publication Database
Developed by the Hong Kong Baptist University Library, The Hong Kong TV and Film Publication Database mainly collects TV and film publications published in Hong Kong during the British colonial period, including:
中草藥化學圖像數據庫 Phytochemical Image Database
The Phytochemical Images Database provides comprehensive information on bioactive compounds found in medicinal herbs, and useful methods of qualitative/quantitative analysis and sample preparation as well as real spectra of NMR/MS/IR. |
中華數字書苑 (Apabi)
The platform offers more than 2,000 Library-owned Chinese e-books published in Mainland China. It covers a wide range of subject areas, including philosophy, literature, culture, language, medicine, politics and law, and more. General books suitable for ordinary readers as well as specialised research and reference works for advanced and professional readers are also available on this e-book platform. |
中藥方劑數據庫 Chinese Medicine Formulae Images Database
The Chinese Medicine Formulae Images Database documents 182 Chinese Medicine formulae commonly used in Chinese Medical practice. It provides formula composition, processing forms, function, indications and usage, along with formula song and shorthand methods. |
中藥材圖像數據庫 Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database
The Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database collects detailed information on over 420 crude drugs commonly used in Chinese Medicine practice. This includes their source, origins, description, quality taste and clinical indications. |
中藥標本資料庫 Chinese Medicine Specimen Database
The Chinese Medicine Specimen Database is established to help promoting people's awareness of the variety, authenticity, and effective use of Chinese Medicines. The database currently contains a collection of all exhibits of Chinese Materia Medica specimen that are displayed in the Chinese Medicine Centre. |
名詞解釋庫 Glossary (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
慧科新聞 WisersOne | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
搜數網 SOSHOO | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
漢斯國際中文開源期刊 (Hans Publishers)
This platform focuses on the Chinese open access journals published around the globe. Currently it hosts more than 120 academic full-text journals in the following subject disciplines: physics, life science, chemistry, environmental study, medicine, information & technology, humanities, social sciences as well as business & economics. |
瀚文民國書庫 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
端傳媒 Initium Media
Initium Media is an online media platform that provides in-depth Chinese-language news content and data covering the Greater China and the globe. |
華藝中文電子書 Airiti Books
Airiti Books is one of the largest Traditional-Chinese ebook platform in the world, covering a collection of over 3,000 library-owned books in digitized format across a wide range of subject disciplines, including humanities, business, language, design and more. It also provides access to leisure publications suitable for general readers. |
華藝線上圖書館 Airiti Library Chinese Electronic Periodical Services - Social Sciences
The Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) - Social Sciences Collection provided through Airiti Library, offers access to over 2,000 full-text journals published in both Mainland and Taiwan. Its coverage spans across various subjects in social sciences, including sociology, education, law, politics, psychology and beyond. |
萬方數據 - 中國數字化期刊數據庫 . 經濟財政 (Wanfang Data)
Wanfang Data Online Journals (Economics & Finance) provides access to about 791 full-text journal titles, covering various topics in economics & finance. For example, industrial economy, business management, accounting & auditing. It also features a unique broad collection of Chinese university journals, which is a main research resource in economics & finance in China. |
萬方數據 - 中國數字化期刊數據庫 Wanfang Data-China Online Journals
Wanfang Data Online Journals (COJ) is comprised of 8 modules: Agriculture Science, Fundamental Sciences, Science & Technology, Arts & Humanities, Health & Medical Science, Social Science, Business; Economics, Law; Politics/Government. They provide access to over 44,000,000 Chinese journal articles, conference paper, books published by the universities in China. |
萬方視頻 - 中醫藥管理局系列 (Wanfang Data)
The Wanfang Videos - State Administration of TCM features 9 course lecture series given by a group of renowned professors from major universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine. These series cover concepts, theories, diagnosis, prescriptions, as well as the applications of traditional Chinese medicine. |
藥用植物圖像數據庫 Medicinal Plant Images Database
The Medicinal Plant Images Databases aims to promote the popularization and resource sharing in Chinese medicine, by providing interested learners with perceptual and systematic knowledge of various medicinal plants. Currently it contains more than 1,000 medicinal plants, all are systematically consolidated and summarized in the form of plant images and detailed descriptions in a bilingual environment. |
香港上市公司資料庫 (中文) Hong Kong Listed Company (Infobank) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
香港文學資料庫 HK Literature Database |